Digital Vintage Ornate Final Wishes and Estate Planner | Legacy Planning | Important Documents Organizer
Nobody likes to think about these things, but they are very important to your family when the time comes. Everybody’s time comes as it is a fact of life and nobody knows when that will be, and it is very easy to have everything written down in this Digital Vintage Ornate Final Wishes Estate Planner for that time. This is for anyone of any age to put all your information and wishes for your family to follow when that time does come. This Digital Planner is FULLY HYPERLINKED for easy management.
Have a sense of comfort knowing you have prepared, and your family can follow your last wishes as you want with this elegant digital vintage ornate style Planner and Document Records. Includes Bank and Accounts, Credit cards and any other items you need to list, such as House & Property Deeds, Will Information, Life Insurance, Trusts, Vehicles, Investments, Life Insurance, any recurring bills you have.
A section for Medical History, Doctors, Medications. Even a section for your pets and your wishes for them. Your Funeral plans you want to be followed. A place to write a letter to your family and pages of notes you wish them to have and read. And with this digital world we do live in, a place to keep all your logins and passwords to any and all of your sites you use such as social sites for example. And any security questions you have and for the electronics you use there is a form for that too. And more!
This is available as a printable and also as a fillable PDF in my shop here:Â Â
If you would prefer a physical book, I have this in Paperback and Hardcover on Amazon. Here are the links if you would like to take a look at these:
Paperback-Â ÂÂ Â Â (8.5 x 11 size)
Hardcover    (8.5 x 11 size)
- This is a PDF download. Works in Goodnotes or whatever app you have for your iPad or Tablet to read the PDF.
- NO physical item will be sent.
- Because this is a digital Item there is a no refund policy.
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