Linda’s Corner is owned by Linda Bryce and is located in central Texas.
Linda has been handcrafting for over 20 years and specializes in high-quality products ranging from clothing to jewelry. She is also the major distributor of Nuti-Budi nutcrackers, handmade in Texas by Texans.
Linda has displayed her products all over the United States at various craft shows and fairs. She loves crafting as well as spending as much quality time as possible with her husband and family.
Vendor Biography
Linda’s Corner is owned by Linda Bryce and is located in central Texas.
Linda has been handcrafting for over 20 years and specializes in high-quality products ranging from clothing to jewelry. She is also the major distributor of Nuti-Budi nutcrackers, handmade in Texas by Texans.
Linda has displayed her products all over the United States at various craft shows and fairs. She loves crafting as well as spending as much quality time as possible with her husband and family.