PLR My Daily Life Planner comes with 33 pages of US Letter size Canva templates for you to customize and resell, or to print and use for yourself! These templates will help you to organize and plan for all of your day-to-day needs.
PLR My Daily Life Planner comes with:
- 4 cover options
- Daily Planner pages x2
- Daily To-Do List and Schedule
- Weekly Meal Plan and Grocery List pages
- Weekly & Exercise Planner Pages
- Habit Tracker
- Yearly Planning and Appointments at a Glance
- Undated Monthly Calendar pages x12
THIS IS A DIGITAL PRODUCT. Nothing will be shipped to you.
This product is Volume 1 in the new Household Binder Series! Check out Volume 2- PLR My Cleaning Planner! The planners in the Household Binder Series were created to mix and match and create a large household binder when combined.
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