My Garden Journal – PDF


This planner is designed to assist you in the process of Gardening.

Creating a journal is the best way to plan, execute, and record all the methods and products you grow in your garden. This journal is intended for vegetables but can easily be adjusted for any type of garden.

This planner contains 10 colorful pages that can be copied as often as needed.

(click HERE to preview Planner – close preview to return to this page)

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My Garden Journal includes the following:

– An explanation of why a Garden Journal is needed

– Tips on planning a garden

– A blank graph paper for creating a garden layout

– A sample of an existing garden layout to aid in planning

– A “Shopping List” for recording seeds purchased and where they will be used.

– A “Monthly to Month” organizer page for indicating what to do each month

– An explanation of how to create your month-to-month organizer

– A “Seed Staring” explanation page helping you to understand how to start seeds

– A “Seed Starting” planner for scheduling and recording all your seed-starting activities

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