Bible reading is vital to our spiritual well-being. It’s not a legalistic requirement for those hoping to be good Christians, but it’s the key to learning more about God, what matters to Him, and how He wants us to live. If we hope to flourish in every area of our lives, then reading God’s Word is a priority we’ll want to make and keep. Problem is–it’s tough to maintain this discipline in the midst of our busy lives, right? That’s where journaling comes in.
Combine Bible Reading with Journaling
Journaling helps us remain consistent in our effort and desire to maintain the habit of reading our Bible on a daily basis. It also helps us process our thoughts on paper which helps us better remember what we’ve read. When we write down the things we read, we’re better able to think them through. One thought leads to another and then another, and growth takes place. That’s what we want, right? Permanent life transformation.
Buy Now and Reap the Benefits
Visually, this beautiful printable calms the spirit. Practically, it offers space for you to record your thoughts and prayers in the present moment and for future reference. Collect the pages for storage in a 3-ring binder. You’ll find encouragement when you review the insights you’ve learned over time and see evidences of spiritual growth. You’ll feel inspired when you read prayers you’ve written in the past and recognize how God has answered.
Combine this resource with your favorite Bible version, Â a cup of coffee or tea, and a quiet space, and you’ll have everything needed to grow in your daily discipline of digging into God’s Word.
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